Stocks are a part ownership of a company. However, this definition is dangerously reductive. A stock is issued by the company, and the company remains at all time a separate entity from the shareholder.
The owner of the stock is not liable to pay the debt of the company in case it goes bankrupt, and a company doesn’t have to share its profits with the stock owner – just look at most large technology companies, the pay no dividends! Since stocks are normally issued by large corporate bodies where ownership is spread across many power groups and individuals, there is a so called Separation of Ownership and Control.
Most big companies have a CEO, who is entrusted, usually through a vote among the shareholders, with the task of running the company. Outside of the right to vote, a stock owner has only the power to sell his own shares or buy someone else’s to increase his position.
Benefits of Shares CFD Trading
One of the main benefits of trading Stocks CFDs is that you are not required to pay the
full underlying value of the contract, as a result of the ability to leverage your investments.
At fx134, you are simply required to deposit margin as collateral.
Share trading is a diversified market with plenty of trading opportunities across sectors.
Share prices are influenced by several events as:
1 Mergers, acquisitions, take-overs and special dividends
These events are largely grouped together as “Corporate actions”
2 Company news
The launch of a new product, rebrands etc.
3 Earnings
The earnings a company reports each year, which gives the market the idea of how powerful this company is.
4 Wider market events
These can include things like big news events concerning competitors, economic date.